Wednesday, March 28, 2007

"Can I have an extra grande double mocha cappucino, hold the coffee, add extra foam, whipped cream on the side and slap me upside my head?"

Finally, after being inundated with hockey and work and parties, I get a chance to update this thing.
The other day I was at my favorite coffee establishment - the only reason I'm there is because of the promotion they run as I had sworn off purchasing coffee this year - when I got stuck behind some girl who couldn't decide what to order. You know the type - designer sunglasses, designer dog, too skinny to hold onto, SUV driving, stuck up, daddy's little girl type - when she was holding up the line debating what to get. I mean how hard is it to order coffee? That's why I rarely, and reluctantly if I do, purchase my coffee from the pretentious Seattle-based coffee pusher. I mean they started this stupidity in the first place.
I just want my coffee.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Not so secret show...

Really looking forward to this show on Thursday night at the Silver Dollar.

$7 @ door

Monday, March 12, 2007

Change of venue...

Somethings change isn't good.
I went to Eat Your Greens at El Mocambo on Saturday night with the Girlfriend and another friend. I was dead tired on Saturday night after spending all day watching some bad hockey in Brampton, but I was looking forward to going out. I mean I've enjoyed Eat Your Greens at Neutral on the occasions that I have gone, but I hadn't gone since they changed venues.
We got there a little early and had to hear some bad Guns N' Roses imitation band peform before Eat Your Greens started. But once it did, I was disappointed. It wasn't the same. The crowd was different and even though it was the same DJ, it seemed different. It was too airy, too sparse, too cool. I mean Neutral is dark, hot, and packed which adds to the allure.
It reminds me of the time I used to go Industry, which in my opinion was the best club that's existed in my lifetime in Toronto. I mean it was out of the way in King West, it was always packed and the floors were dirty. There weren't any skanky whores or macho guys there. It wasn't a pickup joint. It was a place to enjoy good music and have fun. And when it closed down, other clubs tried to replicate the atmosphere, but they didn't and they haven't come close since then.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

No more feelings of guilt...

I realized this morning that I no longer have a musical guilty pleasure. You know, the music that you don't admit to listening to, for fear of being mocked and ridiculed by friends.
My guilty pleasure used to be Kylie Minogue. Her songs, and her videos, used to capture my attention and I would be caught humming her songs at the most unopportune times. As her star faded, her sister Danni captured my attention, but not to the extent of Kylie.
But now, nothing. I guess it's a good thing. I'll always have 80's music.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Tattoo You...

Lately I have been contemplating getting another tattoo. After considering getting a tattoo for a number of years, almost a decade, I finally got one last August. And no regrets. I really like the way it came out and most of the time I forget I even have one.
So now I'm starting to think if I will get another one and if so, what it would be and where it would go.

It will probably take me another 10 years to figure it out.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Psycho Killer, Qu'est-ce que c'est?

The movie Zodiac came out on Friday and even though it's about 2 1/2 hours long I want to see it.
Odd as it may seem, I've always been fascinated by true crime. I don't know if has to do with the fact that you want to be the detective that solves the crime and be a hero, or if it's winning a battle of wills against the villain, or maybe it stems from taking law classes in high school.
The Zodiac Killer has always intrigued me since I saw one of those A&E specials with Bill Curtis as the host. Is he still on TV? Anyway, the fact that the Zodiac is still unsolved adds to the appeal.
Also, it looks like the movie itself got some good reviews and it's directed by David Fincher, who directed Se7en and Fight Club, two movies I thoroughly enjoyed.
And yes, I know the Talking Heads wrote that song about Son of Sam.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Time to start practising my yodelling...

I applied for Euro 2008 tickets last night. Applied, you say? Basically, if they "oversell" tickets you get put into a lottery. But I put in for two group games in Zurich so I think I should be able to get tickets. I guess I'll find out in May.
I hope to have as much fun as I did at Euro 2004 in Portugal.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Ette was fun... bad pun, I know, I know...

Went with the Girlfriend and some friends to Lee's Palace last night to catch a live show. The headliner was a band from Los Angeles, The Ettes, who have been generating a buzz States side and put on a kick ass show. The highlight of their set was watching their unorthodox, yet exuberant drummer, Maria "Poni" Silver, pounding on the drums as her hair flailed all over the place. But the biggest news of the night was seeing Shitt Hottt blow away the rest of the bands out of the water last night - The I-Spies and Hot Monogamy were also on the bill. Performing crowd favorites like "Ready, Aim, Fire", "Rendez-Vous", "The Jig Is Up" (a personal favorite), plus debuting two new songs, "Pull Out" and an as of now untitled track, Andrea, Michelle, Ryan, and Sarah rocked Lee's Palace.
Their next gig is Saturday, March 24th at the White Orchid. Some other bands like Beth in Battle Mode, Boyfriend Material, The European Union, Ontario Power Generation, Beast Cancer, Shawn Jurek, Secret Star, Songs From a Room, and Pants & Tie will also be performing. Should be a great show.
Also, they'll be recording soon so I'm also looking forward to the CD release party, whenever that will be. I expect big things from them this summer.